Single Eureka Moment is a Lie

Single Eureka Moment is a Lie
Photo by Diego PH / Unsplash

Mark Zuckerberg stresses the myth that there is a single eureka moment, which is fostered by movies and mainstream culture. He reveals a secret: no one has all the information or skills required to carry out a magnificent project from the start.

No one has figured it all out at the start.

Instead, active interaction and work allow ideas to evolve and become clearer.

Zuckerberg emphasizes the importance of taking the initial move, saying that if he had waited until he knew everything about connecting people, Facebook would not have existed.

He advises budding entrepreneurs not to be disheartened by the seeming lack of a eureka moment, but rather to appreciate that ideas emerge over time and with effort.

Source -: Harvard Commencement speech by Mark Zuckerberg